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Showing posts from January, 2022

[SOLVED] Linux - Issues installing Docker on Ubuntu - libseccomp2 version 2.3.1 installed but 2.4 required

This article has been improved for a better understanding - goto There is a possibility that you are trying to install docker. There is a very comprehensive guide at The linked guide serves as a reference for this article. We try to address the common errors in this article. Just so you won’t have to scour the entire answers on StackOverflow. Step 1: The first thing is to run our famous "apt update" command. So run the command below. sudo apt-get update You may observe that there are some errors. And YES! we are using a fairly old Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Release. It seems perfect for this as most people have issues installing docker anyways. To resolve this, you may refer to  Configure DNS server IP to resolve errors with apt-get update Step 2: Following the Docker article, we should run the commands below. sudo...

Linux - Configure DNS server IP to resolve errors with apt-get update

Perhaps you have a new install of Ubuntu, and you are about to install docker or any other Linux packages. The first step is to update the application repositories using the sudo apt update command. There is a very small possibility that you will get the error below if you are using a fresh install of the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). This error simply means that Linux is unable to connect to the official repository likely due to a DNS configuration or a network issue. Here we try to help you resolve the DNS issue. To resolve this, you must specify a DNS in your network settings. Well, there is one popular DNS that works well: Google's DNS. Follow through, please. STEP 1: Go to the settings page of Linux (Ubuntu) STEP 2: This should reveal a plethora of options. On the left pane, simply scroll down and click Network as shown below. This reveals your different network connections, for me, “enp0s3” is the adapter connecter to the internet. So, I must configure DNS for “enp0s3”. ...

Linux - How many network cards/interfaces do I have and what's their IP

 Yup! You have your Linux server or desktop installed, you have been enjoying this setup and suddenly you need to know how many network adapters are installed. You probably also want to know which of these adapters is connected to the internet, please follow through. First, you should run the command below on the terminal ip addr TL; DR: T here are 2 network adapters here,  “enp0s3” is my internet network adapter because it has an IP address from my internet gateway/router/MiFi. The IP address pattern gives this begins with 192.x.x.x. Also "epn0s8" is the local network adapter which allows connections within an ethernet,  This output is quite verbose. Let’s dissect it in a bit. Firstly, we can observe items 1, 2 and 3. It is worth mentioning that item 1 is not an adapter, it is synonymous with the local network. Item 1 is labelled as “lo:”, this means that details in this section have to do with your localhost. Internal network setting of your system. This ...