After installing python on freshly installed windows 10. I could not call the python command from the command line interface.
TL;DR: After a bit of trial and error. I figured; I had to make the python path the first entry in the list of path variables.
before: PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;...C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37...;After: PATH=C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;...
The Python path story
I got a brand new windows 10 installation recently. I decided I was going to use this workstation to prepare for my python interviews.
So after a few clicks, I installed python3.7 from a local copy on my flash drive.
After installation, I expected that the environment variables will be set but it wasn't. I updated the path variables manually.
To my surprise, Python was still not recognized. Let me show you what my Path variables looked like.
To resolve this issue, simply click the python path to highlight it, then click on the "Move Up" button. Move python up so it becomes the topmost item on the list.
Then open a new CMD and see your python command working.
The issue has been resolved. If you are still having issues, please visit this StackOverflow discussion for further assistance.
By default, some windows installations have a default expectation that Python's install directory is what we have highlighted below.
If Windows is unable to find Python in this directory, we are simply redirected to the Windows App store to download the latest python.
If you check our previous image, you will observe that this "App store" path comes before our Python path Hence it takes precedence when there is a conflict.
If we move our Python path to come before the "App store" path, then our python path will have higher precedence too. and this is what we have done. See image below:
C'est Fini.
It will be great to hear your experience on similar things, please drop a comment. Thanks.
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