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How to Selectively Disable Timestamp Columns in Laravel Models


In Laravel, the updated_at and created_at columns are timestamp columns that automatically update whenever a model is saved or created. However, there might be scenarios where you want to selectively disable one or both of these columns for specific models. Fortunately, Laravel provides a straightforward way to achieve this by customizing your model's const UPDATED_AT and const CREATED_AT constants. In this blog post, we will explore how to selectively disable timestamp columns in Laravel models, discuss the benefits of this approach, and guide you through the necessary steps.

Step 1: Create a Laravel Model and Migration

To demonstrate this process, let's assume we have a model called Download that represents a downloadable file in our application. If you don't have a model already, you can create one using the php artisan make:model Download command in your terminal.

To generate the migration for the downloads table, run the following command: php artisan make:migration create_downloads_table. This will create a new migration file in the database/migrations directory.

Step 2: Edit the Migration File

Open the newly created migration file (database/migrations/xxxxxxxx_create_downloads_table.php) and locate the up() method. By default, Laravel includes the timestamps() method in the create blueprint, which adds created_at and updated_at columns to the table. However, you can modify the migration file accordingly if you want to selectively disable one or both of these columns.

To disable the updated_at column, remove the ->timestamps() line from the migration file. If you also want to disable the created_at column, remove the ->timestamps() line and add a ->timestamp('created_at')->nullable() line to the migration file.

Your updated migration file should look something like this:


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateDownloadsTable extends Migration


    public function up()


        Schema::create('downloads', function (Blueprint $table) {



            // remove this line
            // $table->timestamps();

            // Add this line if you want to keep created_at column

            // $table->timestamp('created_at')->nullable();

            // Add this line if you want to keep updated_at column

            // $table->timestamp('updated_at')->nullable();

            // Other columns if needed



    // Rest of the migration file


Step 3: Customize Timestamp Columns in the Model

Open the Download model file (app/Models/Download.php) and customize the const UPDATED_AT and const CREATED_AT constants based on your requirements.

To disable the updated_at column, add the following line within the class definition:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Download extends Model


    const UPDATED_AT = null;

    // Other model code


If you also want to disable the created_at column, add the following line as well:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Download extends Model


    const UPDATED_AT = null;

    const CREATED_AT = null;

    // Other model code


By customizing these constants, Laravel will no longer manage the values of the corresponding timestamp columns when saving or creating instances of the Download model.

Step 4: Run the Migration

To apply the changes to the database, run the migration using the php artisan migrate command. This will create the downloads table with the selectively disabled timestamp columns.


Selective disabling of timestamp columns in Laravel models allows you to have fine-grained control over their behaviour. By customizing the const UPDATED_AT and const CREATED_AT constants in your model and modifying the migration file accordingly, you can disable one or both of these columns for specific models. This approach is useful in scenarios where you want to exclude certain models from automatic timestamp updates or when you have custom timestamp handling requirements. Remember to consider the specific needs of your project and apply this approach selectively to maintain the integrity of your data and optimize performance.


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