Hey, its one of those days, i just wished i could code away the night. i decided that tonight, it was going to be VS Code all through.
I closed Sublime text. It was not long before I started missing the php code linting and ever intelligent code completions that were built into sublime text.
I checked the suggestions on the Extensions Tab of VS Code. and there it was! Felix Becker's "PHP IntelliSense" package. To my cute surprise, Upon clicking, the extension's description and Installation "Read Me" could not display correctly, 'twas as good as blank. All i could see was this:
I thought, this is something light, so i started searching but then it was not better explained except for the GitHub issue which I found to be useful, Link is at the bottom of this page.
I hate to discover it was a DNS issue.
How to detect the Issue
Simply visit the URL below, if you are able to view the image on the page, then you are not affected by this issue.
Else You will have to modify your system's DNS config, but hey its not as bad as it seems. Your internet will be fine and there will be no impact. You can also revert the DNS config after installing your extensions.
How to set DNS for a wireless connection on Linux/Ubuntu System
- Click your wireless icon at the top-right corner of the screen. Open the wireless drop-down, then click WiFi settings as shown below.
- In the new window confirm that the WiFi tab is selected on the left. Then Click the Settings button for the specific Wireless network you are using. For me, I use GAULOFCAPUA.
- The new window (WiFi Settings window/tab), Click IPV4 tab to check IPV4 DNS settings. Disable the Automatic DNS check. and fill as your DNS
- Goto the IPV6 tab and use 2001:4860:4860::8888 as your IPV6 DNS.
- Now click Apply to save the settings.
How to set DNS for a wired connection on Linux/Ubuntu System.
I hope i made it easy, kindly let me know if this guide did not solve your issue.
Best Regards
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